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Ai Weiwei: Never Apologize (2012). Description


Ai Weiwei, an artist from China, became famous thanks to his exhibition, after which many began to talk about him as a bully. He not only expressed extreme dissatisfaction with the authorities in his paintings, but also spoke about it aloud. He is just a person who has his own opinion and is ready to share it, regardless of censorship. Whether the government likes it or not, he's not going to keep quiet. Because of this, Ai is constantly being persecuted, but he is not going to stop, much less regret what he said. <br />
The film's director, Alison Clayman, watched Ai Weiwei for more than three years, followed literally his every step, and learned his language. The result of her work was a film portrait of an artist who, perhaps, in the future will be called legendary or the greatest. He is an ardent activist, constantly experiencing dissatisfaction with the authorities. Ai spends most of his time chatting on the Internet, his Twitter is literally bursting with questions and comments from people. At the same time, the artist has a clear position, and he is ready to explain it to anyone who calls him a boor and an obscenity. <br />
This film, like Ai Weiwei's work, was tried to be banned from showing. The Chinese authorities believe that in this way they are trying to compromise or show a negative side. Until this happens, the viewer has the opportunity to get to know the rebel Ai Weiwei and try to understand his vision of life.<br />

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